This ASSA and partner Blueprint outlined the extensive economic, social, and environmental benefits that could be realised from the development of an Australian seaweed industry.

By synthesising the knowledge from key industry players, academics, and regulators, this study identified the primary opportunities, barriers and research needed to grow the industry.

This ASSA and partner Implementation Plan extended the work done developing the Blueprint through further engagement with industry participants to define how wider industry development priorities will be implemented.

It aims to leverage the biggest opportunities for the industry and address the key barriers to growth at the time:

• Opportunities: Large-scale marine and land aquaculture; cattle feed for methane reduction; and highvalue bioproducts.

Barriers: Regulation and policy; knowledge and workforce; and R&D funding and coordination.

This ASSA and partner Review outlined how seaweed aquaculture is managed in across the states, with a view to identifying both common governance approaches for seaweed marine aquaculture and potential opportunities for improvement.

It did this terms of the strategic policy context and specific legislation, particularly what the leasing and licensing process was and what institutional arrangements existed.

This information was used to identify optimal practices in Australia and to suggest where governance could evolve to better support industry development.