
Seagriculture Asia-Pacific 2025

ASSA looks forward to welcoming you Seagriculture Asia-Pacific taking place in Adelaide, Australia, from 18 - 20 March 2025!

The Seagriculture Asia-Pacific conference is an addition to the European edition of Seagriculture, which has been successfully organized since 2012 and has built up a solid reputation as the leading conference for seaweed farming in Europe.

Seagriculture Asia-Pacific was launched in 2023 and took place as an online edition. Our partners and us are very excited that the first in-person event will be premiering in Adelaide, Australia.

More details will be provided on both our ASSA website and the dedicated Seagricuture Asia Pacific 2025 website as the conference continues to develop. https://seagriculture-asiapacific.com/overview/.

Feel free to indicate your early interest here: https://seagriculture-asiapacific.com/registration/.


ASSA & Partners - Australian Seaweed Industry


ASSA CEO Lindsay Hermes Social Media Video - Seagriculture Conference